Tuesday, March 07, 2006

RM Update

Just a note to say that I am working (slowly) on a longer piece around RM and Retention as the discussion on the following list
http://lists.ufl.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A1=ind0603a&L=recmgmt-l has gotten me to thinking....along with some really stimulating discussions with others on the topic recently. In addtion the response to my article on CMS Watch has really thrown me, for it is sparking quite a solid debate and a good and healthy one at that I think.

As anyone who reads this or has read anything I have ever written will know, I am at heart a record manager and that is where I started my career - however I also see the boundaries between ECM and RM as largely artificial and believe strongly that content needs to be managed throughout it's lifecycle from creation to destruction - bringing down those barriers, and enabling true lifecycle management is what I am focused on. But of course it's just not that simple to do :-)

Also....(vendor representatives - you know who you are) 'recordization' is not a word!

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